Worth saying you are by far and away out preferred designer. Having had a chat with a couple of our team here, would it be possible to see a design slighty more geared towards a "logo" than what i see as an iPad icon. The image is perfect, nothing needs to change there, but possibly a change of font, or something to make the design appear as a logo.
Also as i mentioned, it would be great to see "IQ" appear. This should be much easier once the design is shifted to look more like a logo. The IQ doesnt have to be anywhere near as prominent as the "Albert" but since it is going to be called "Albert IQ" it should appear.
Like the IQ in #19 and #20. Can you apply that font to #6 which is still my favorite? Like it with the name below the icon(rather than to the right of it)? Happy xmas the way!