Teresa: I like 181, but would like to see if you have any other ideas for the exclamation point, something with a bit more impact. Let me know. Thanks--
Will you change the color of the exclamation point on #229 to fuscia. I also want to see if you have any ideas of how to tie the slogan in a bit more with the name, so they read together, instead of two separate thoughts.
I like these! I think I am leaning toward the fuscia, instead of the red, just trying to decide on the positioning of the slogan. I would like to see the exclamation as yellow, turquoise and would you mind to show me a new color option of brown and lime green, so I can review these color options.
I will try these for you but only the entry in 1st place may submit in 'Judging Phase'.
Let me know if you are still interested and I'll work on these for you.
The other options of positioning of your slogan would be to create and arch above your name....or in line with the top of the 'h' if no other designer already used that concept.
Hi Teresa: I will be using this logo on a round sticker to be placed on jewelry gift boxes. Will you show me 282 and 283 as you would place it on a round sticker. Thanks--
will you also let me know if you are using a fuscia color for the pink---it's hard to tell on the screen and I want to make sure it's not 100% magenta. Thanks.
I don't often look at other designers entries before I illustrate mine....I noticed doncovair used the same circle but need to check the time dates on the entries. You didn't ask for a circle in your brief as far as I could find. Even though you told me you are using a round sticker...it may cause me a problem and violation points if you didn't make that clear or if the idea came after doncovair's entries.
Would you let me know as soon as you can...if doncovair is the originator out of respect I need to remove the entries. Even though the placement and layout of your name can't be changed because of the nature of it, the circle would be a protectable concept.
I see another designer using the circle so I guess it is okay...I'm assuming you are telling other designers about the round sticker in their individual comment area.
I like how the color translates on these. When I see the full color on #298, it looks pinkish/purple and I'm looking for more of a fuschia color. I don't know what the CMYK percentages are, but could you look at Pantone 806. I found it online and it looks closer to the color I'm looking for.
Of your designs, do you have one that you would recommend?
Yes, I have mentioned the round sticker application to the designers that I thought could end up being my final. I wanted to see how their art would work in a round sticker.
Personally, I like the fuscia better as a color choice it has more impact and draws the eye into your name quicker. It will create a recognizable icon.
I will change #298 and #299 to the pantone color you found. will upload shortly.
This is good and will allow you to print 2 spot colors of fuscia and black rather than process 4 colors. It can be reversed or in positive printing.. White would be a 3rd spot color if you were printing on dark fabrics or a knock out to show fabric color underneath or for white fabric.
I will supply all versions for you. The files that you choose for your contest EPS and JPEG are uploaded into your account for your approval...all other file formats after your approval are emailed. Additional versions are per your request and will be sent as well in which ever file formats you request.
Let me know if you would like to see any other variations. I will be happy to do them for you. Thank you Teresa
Just checking to see if there is any other variation you may want to see..
The simplicity and impact color is so important because it is what draws the eye into your name. Quick visibility and easy legibility for the viewer is important. Something that they can relate to and identify with will make your logo timeless and highly recognizable.