#77 - adjusted. I see that you have selected font. If you need to make changes to someone else's design, write me. But even in the issuance of the final file is possible adjustments until you approve. Thank you!
Thank you for your feedback. But now the competition is in judging and only the first qualifier designer is allowed to upload designs. You should still put me on the first score, so I can upload the file. Thank you!
Try the map of Africa in green, but a different shade from the leaf above. Thanks Distinguish the headrap; now it looks like someone with a huge head. Maybe this can be done with color or just lines. Try now.
In Designs #90 #91 changed the color of Africa. In Designs #85 #86 #87 #88 #89 removed the earthly sphere, and increased Africa in the foreground. In all designs put dividing lines headrap and at #85 added color. I expect your opinion. Thank you!
We like the head wrap. Increasing the size of Africa is good, but please make Africa more distinct as a continent. Look as some of the other submissions to see the size of Africa.
Hi. In design #92 I kept the size of Africa and implemented loop in dark green to be more obvious. In design #93 I positioning Mother and Child slightly to the left and map I gave the right - generally get a good composition. #94 #95 are relevant - but color headrap. Thank you!
I have comments from my team. They would like to take away all circles and designs. Put the mother and child in Africa. All letters in blue. Try # 99 with a white belt for the text and $97 without the white belt for text. THANKS.
I know you are in a different time zone, but we must ask you to read the comments that I sent earlier today. We have just one more day and your entry is tied with #2. Please do something quickly. Tomorrow is our last day. Bibi
Yes, remove all leaves, circles and other items. Try the white belt for text in one entry and try the text without the belt in another entry. Please try all the lettering in blue, all one color. Then try all the lettering in black, all one color. Also, try a professional looking font for the lettering.
We're almost there. We need to make the white belt narrower, just to have the letters in the belt. Maybe have mother and child a bit smaller so as much as possible in the map of Africa. We want to see the NE portion of the map of Africa. Remove the color from the head wrap as in your entry #97. THANKS. I'm still here. Bibi
Tinna, look at your entries #96, # 97 and #98 - mother and child within Africa. We can see the top of Africa, NW, NE and the east side and south of the continent. THANKS
Tinna, It's almost 11:00 pm here; I've waited almost 2 hours. I'm very tired and I'm going to bed. Will look at your entries in the morning. Please reply and that will please our team.