#5 is good as far as the color scheme, but #4 is not quite exciting enough. For either I'm not sure the lightbulb image is as recognizable as it needs to be.
We would like to see #65 with the base of the lightbulb (below the swoosh) being the same color as the words "weight loss". Also, we would like to see some other color schemes used on #65, we like the orange and blue but we have not seen enough submissions using other color schemes to know if we like it best. Thank you very much for your hard work, we like what we are seeing.
After some thinking, lets try a light green with black, light green and silver, and light green and blue, all with the words "weight loss" and the base of the bulb just a little lighter color of gray than they are now.
Excellent! Last scheme that we want to try is replacing the green in the previous 3 with a with a color that would be somewhere between true yellow and the orange used in #68, probably just a little closer to the yellow end. I think we will be able to narrow it down from those. Thank you very much for the revisions!
As soon as I sent that I realized I spoke too soon, we would also like to see the combination of yellow and blue, as well as blue and silver. Thank you very much for your patience.
Thanks, now if we can see #75, #76, and #83 with the color of the light bulb changed to the same color yellow as used in #85 but leave the text the same colors. This is fantastic work and we appreciate it.
Sorry for the confusion, but I meant to keep the colors in the text the same colors but change the color of the light bulb, so for #75 green Ah-Ha!, silver Moment, and yellow light bulb, #76 green Ah-Ha!, blue Moment, and yellow light bulb, and #83 switch it to a blue Ah-Ha!, sliver Moment, and yellow bulb. All using the yellow from #85. Thank you very much
There are 4 more I would like to see. For entry #94 could you change the color of the swoosh and star from silver to blue and keep everything else the same, then in another revision change it from silver to green? Then for entry #96 change the color of the swoosh and star from from silver to green and also from silver to blue? Thanks