For #34 and #37 can you experiment with some different colors in the design. For instance can you replace the blue with orange and the silver with yellow. I am interested to see what it looks like in different vibrant colors.
On entry 37 could you only replace the gray or silver colored portion with a clear, lemon yellow? could you try the same color change on entry 36 and also make the green gear on the globe bright orange? On entry 62 could you try to make the two circles colors other than the colors of the gears? Perhaps blue and yellow. The green you used on 61 and 35 is preferred over the green used in 62. Thanks for your work. It is very good.
I have just presented the 64 entries to five members of our staff. The consensus at this point is that your designs 37/61 and 34 are amongest the very best DESIGNS we have received but are NOT the best presentation of color. Please see my most recent comments above. Also, we very much like red if you can try some examples that include it. It will be helpful for you to know that we've decide to place the final logo on a white background in all cases. This might be the white door of a pickup truck or the white background of a decal to be placed on a piece of red-orange equipment. Thanks again for your good work.
On entry #37 could you only replace the gray or silver colored portion with a clear, lemon yellow? could you try the same color change on entry #36 and also make the green gear on the globe bright orange? On entry #62 could you try to make the two circles colors other than the colors of the gears? Perhaps blue and yellow. The green you used on #61 and #35 is preferred over the green used in #62. Thanks for your work. It is very good.
Your designs numbered 81 and 61 are currently in the number 1 position but we need to see them in more color combinations, some of which include "Red".
Here you have an option containing a red version. I will be away for the next couple of hours, but since i am ranked first then i will be able to upload new revisions of my works during judging mode. Regards Emi
Ulahts: I hope you are available to respond. We have re-ranked and you are still doing very well. TC, however, has created a lot of interest. Please submit this logo with the "yellow" portion of the gear changed to the "blue" you used in submission #81. Change the dot over the "i" to "green". Finally, fill the entire square with the clear, lemon "yellow" that you used in submission # 81. Thank you.
Ulahts: My most recent comments related to submission # 89.
Now for submission # 82. Many of our staff like this but definately want to see it in more color combinations. Some of these should include "red" like you used on # 89. Some should also have the white background but others shoud have either a "red" or bright "yellow" background.
Ulahts: My most recent comments related to submission #89.
Now for submission #82. Many of our staff like this but definately want to see it in more color combinations. Some of these should include "red" like you used on #89. Some should also have the white background but others shoud have either a "red" or bright "yellow" background.
Edit: re-submitted your comments so that i can preview properly the entry numbers.
Here you have an update. Basically i understand what you meant about TC although it looks a bit too cartoonish to me. Now, here you have another color update. I took the liberty to change the word "Systems" to blue. I think that the best way to keep a logo clean is to use less color combinations. I would certainly encourage the usage of no more than 2 color combinations: let's say like green-blue, yellow(lime yellow) and green. I will be available for another two hours so i am ready to give more color updates for today. Emi
Here you have a few color updates for this entry as well. I think that the best would be to use for the text some neutral colors, for example grays or earth toned colors(not so vibrant) and this will help more in monochromatic color recognition. Also please see the possibility for this icon to be used as a website favicon.
And another version where i have rounded the corners a little so that the organic feel is more obvious. Let me know if you want to see anything else from me. I will be back online in about 7 hours from the hour of this submission. My best regards Emi
Additional note: As i see your contest is running short, i decided to check my e-mails more regulary. Even so, now being 12.15 AM in London UK, i will go to sleep for the next 6 hours, but the following hours i will check my e-mails via my HTC mobile and keep you infomred about when i will be able to show you next updates, probably with an 1 hour delay. Thank you for your time and my apologies for being late on responses. I hope that i did managed to answer your requests in proper time for you and your company decission people. Please leave me a commernt at anytime, unless i am sleeping i will unsewer you quite quick!