I like the consideration of three hands or three heads. I like the comfortable feeling and the use of the different colors. Please keep up your wonderful creativity.
Can you make the person in the middle of the "people" look older. It has a feel of a child being protected. I would like the person to appear older looking. Thank you. 21 and 20 as alternates
I like #150. Please do not change the font size to be smaller than the other text keep it the same as it was like in #143. Also try another with Aging and Safely as the same color text. Thank you Jeff
Also consider darkening the smaller "safety, mobility and visitability" just a little bit. I'm not sure if it will read better or be a distraction. Thank you
Updated the requested entry thanks I wouldn't be able to submit the changes after the contest is in judging phase if you want to see revisions to be able to submit you can re-rank the designer's entry on the 1st place rank to submit. Thanks.