Thanks! Appreciate the opportunity to participate in your contest. #103 — natural progression from #17, still employing the 3 as an M (and vice versa). Feedback and requests always welcomed!
Just realized you may have been asking for font options on M33 and not "Agency." Working on it. (I 'built' the letters for M33. Will look for a font to modify and make work.) Stay tuned! t h a n k s
Just uploaded font options for M33. If there's a "M33" treatment you like and an "AGENCY" treatment you like, I might be able to combine them if it works well. For example: The M33 from #163 with AGENCY from #158.
Entry #17 (the #1 ranked version at the end of the competition) is still the favorite. We need to get our heads together on this end to give you some feedback on variations for the Agency and the M33. We'll get back to you - appreciate the work.