AFLabLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / AFLab AFLab has selected their winning logo design. For $425 they received 93 designs from 16 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by jimgris Return to Contest Return to Contest 2nd #60 Withdrawn New #59 Withdrawn New #8 Withdrawn New #66 Withdrawn New #65 Withdrawn New #23 Withdrawn New #22 Withdrawn New #9 Withdrawn New #4 Withdrawn New #3 Withdrawn New #2 Withdrawn New #1 Withdrawn Prefers others. #58 Withdrawn Prefers others. #54 Withdrawn Prefers others. #53 Withdrawn Prefers others. #52 Discussion jimgris Logo Designer Thank´s for the comments and feedback, i´m working on your suggestions, but i want to say that it´s still a bit difficult to match the exact idea, if the new designs are getting closer to your concept just let me know.jimgris 13 years ago dlanphere Client I appreciate the investment your making. Eight is better than nine. I like the words over the kit boxes.Maybe center the words with the line they are beneath?Perhaps with the flame to the left or without the flame?Love the skill. Wish I had the talent. 13 years ago jimgris Logo Designer i just uploaded the logos based on your comments, #22, #23 but if you had any suggestion just let me know, happy to translate your concept on a logo.regardsJim G 13 years ago dlanphere Client 59 and 60 are working better.I like the coloring.Can I see it without the words "evidence kits"? 13 years ago