Hello, I like the grey/brown colour, its exactly what I had in mind. As fas as the logo I am afraid I find it confusing. More minimalistic would be nice, and without the lining around it. thank you
If you have any more ideas of how to make it more fairytale dreamy? like if we change the W on the "Weddings" or other suggestion you may havet. I think i find the letterform of Weddings too big and round, we need something more delicate slim and elegant.
# 206 I like the W. Could I see a little smaller "in crete"? taking up less length across the logo please. Do you think we can make the AETHEREAL turquoise and the Weddings gold? thank you
I like #249 #251 Could I please see another letterform for "in crete"? more airy dreamy and flexible. As far as the AW could we see an AE in other romantic letterform? thank you
I like the light blue and brown/gold lining of the circle in #250 #251 we can keep it that way. the letter/s in the middle can be more airy and dreamy and even go out of the circle. it can be an A a W a AW or a AE, you can experiment. thank you
it can be AW or AE or Ae or A or W, you can experiment and show me different ideas, not neccessarily with a circle. another idea is to make the A and W of the words AETHEREAL WEDDINGS slightly bigger or give it some kind of character and elegance. thank you
#250 #251 can we make "in crete" more interesting and inviting? perhaps experiment with other letterforms, capital or small letters or a combination. thank you
#284 I like the AW, thats kind of what i am looking for, much better than the others #281 #282 i like the letterform of AETHEREAL WEDDINGS, i m thinking still which colour i prefer. what i dont like is the line under the A of the word Aethereal. #281 #282 i am afraid the gold colour in the circle is not what i had imagined next to the turquoise, the gold has to be more like the one you had in #250 #251. that goes better with the turquoise. can we experiment with the gold colour? to find a greyish gold, but not grey. can i see it without the circle? as far as the curved lines left and right of the "in crete" i dont really like it, i find it too much. perhaps it can be more of a straigh line, or at least not a double line. i would like to see "in crete" easier to read, its a bit difficult to manage to read it if you dont know it says Crete.
#289 can see the AW in other letters similar to that what you have there? is it the same letterline as the "in crete?" and can we please also try and see AE or Ae instead of AW? thank you
so far i would like to keep a logo as following:the circle and AW of #289, the AETHEREAL WEDDINGS of #251 and the "in crete" of #290, to put you into the second phase.
i also like #250, can we make the "in crete" of #250 more welcoming creative inviting? any other suggestions on letterforms? small or capital letters thanks
i got an extension and we are not on phase 2 yet. #305 can i see other ideas on the Ae or AE? "in crete" is ok, but can i also see other letterforms? i like the airy stye of "in crete" but I would like to see other ways of the letter "C" with a little less lines around it. still calligraphic though. thank you