We like the design and layout of #11 a lot! Could we see it with a color scheme similar to that of #16? We like the colors in #16, but don't like the gear design as much. Do you have ideas for other designs besides the gear? Thanks!
Can you please submit new versions of #7 and #25 without the words "Advanced Machining Systems"? We are thinking that we may not want to include the full company name on the logo. Thanks!
Hi, Shalvin. Your designs are rating very high amongst our colleagues!! We prefer the design of #9, but don't like the red color. Can you create a new version of #9 with a color scheme like #25?
Also, we like the layout of the words "Advanced Machining Systems" in #25. So can you do 2 new designs of #9, both in the blue and gray colors, and one with words laid out like #25?