I like #160 and it's a bit too feminine for me. #156 is difficult to see what the shape is. I think it is attempting to do too much as I didn't see the tetrahedron until I really looked at the shape.
Can I see this one changed slightly... I'll do my best to describe it here.
Keep the silver tetrahedron in place. Then bring out another tetrahedron under it like you have so that we end up with an 8 pointed star. Kind of like what you've done there, just remove the square.
Once we have the 8 pointed star, enclose it in a circle lightly so that we end up with what would look like a ball.
I've been wanting to get this shape created for ages.
You've put the square box back in around the image... please remove that.
Also remove the inner triangle... the small one at the center of the image.
I'm wanting to see it more like #183 with the two tetrahedrons offset in the centre coming from the points at the outside. What I'm referring to is what looks like the two inverted mercedes benz logos in #183... one is black and one is white.
I hope this helps... it is difficult to communicate via messaging with such a creative process.