Admission IntuitionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Admission Intuition

Admission Intuition has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 71 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.













































I commented on your entry on my page, but I wanted to write here too for you because we really like your work and hope you will continue to work on our contest! We are looking at your other entries and are so happy you decided to work on ours. You are great!! I want to tell you what we like about some of your other entries to help us out. I think your owls are adorable, but maybe a little too cutesy since this will be the logo for my husband as well as me.
First I want to tell you which of your logos we like so you will know our taste. This is a hard task since we both like all of yours.
1. Little Shadows-- we like how the words are as important in this logo as the picture. We just love the subtly of the picture. We like the colors scheme too.

2.We Like Budget on a Heart string-- we don't want a background though. We like the simplicity and artistic creativity all in one.

3. We Dream Cakes a lot! I wonder what a tree with two owls would be like with the name to the right? I really like the brown and green you have used. Maybe with a blue or just not a light pink in it.

4. I don't want the color scheme of Happy Doll-- it's too playful for us in this particular business.

5.Pumpkin Seed is one of my favorites! It's the right amount of professional and fun for us. I prefer different colors though. Maybe a sage green, or a dusty blue, or bluish red. So many of your color schemes we love. We love how the picture is tied into the text.

There are so many we like, I'll stop here. I hope this is appropriate telling you which of your logos really resonate with us. We haven't done logo tournament before and have read that it's best to give lots of feedback. I have a feeling we will like most of what you do.

We love your work and are so happy you are in our contest!
Karen of Admission Intuition
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Karen,

Thank you for the feedback.

Are you set on owls? Do you want portraits maybe? Feel free to post pictures either way.

It would help!

13 years ago

We are not set on owls. We kind of like them since we use the word wisdom, but your ideas are so creative that we would love to see your ideas. Where should we post pictures? So glad you didn't leave the contest! Whew! Should all of our comments be private?

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Karen, you can upload your photos to the brief where everyone would be able to view them.
13 years ago
Love Carol Jensen, love the Cake Shack!!!! Karen
13 years ago

I don't mean to inundate you with messages, but we've been talking tonight about how we love your Little Shadows logo you did. We were wondering about a similar idea of silhouetted black small owls flying in the back ground or playing or reading on our name in a pretty color. Maybe even chocolate brown owls with a pretty color name. Maybe with a slightly more masculine font.

I don't want to direct you too much though, because you are so creative and I am not.


13 years ago
We absolutely LOVE this!!!! Love love love!!! Here are our comments while we fine tune it.

1. We'd like to see it with different colors. I do really really like brown and green, but I prefer the shade of brown and green together that you used at the bottom middle of the cake in CakeDreams. I also really like the darker brown in SugarRush and also the brown in Budget on a HeartString. We also like the mid green on the leaves of MidOrphanRelief. We also really like the whole Sugar Rush cupcake's colors--someething about the lavender and dark brown and white it so appealing. What about the brown with a purply color-- maybe the one you show, or maybe a darker reddish purple.

You know, Anna, our last name, Herbst, means Autumn in German. (Although we are not German.) We were just brainstorming about leaves that are reddish with a hint of bright gold in them with the brown so it looks like the tree is an Autumn Tree.

I want it all! I love your green and brown too. Is there any way we could see a different shade of the browns and greens and also one with the Autumn look (reds or purples?)

We were so excited to wake up and see your entry!!! Having you in our contest has made the whole thing worthwhile.

Our page won't let us upload a picture now. Do you want me to email you one just so you know who we are and what we look like? We are very happy with our owls you have drawn.

We thought we wouldn't want the tag line, but aren't sure right now because you have incorporated it so nicely.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!


13 years ago
Hi Anna,

I really like how the book pops out a bit more with the different color. Seeing this, though, I think I like the subtly of the colors in the first one better.

What I like about the first one better:
1. I like the smaller leaves, but would like to see a few more leaves.
2. We like that her bow matches his bow tie.
3. I love the scale and size of the lettering.
4. I think fewer colors make it a bit more sophisticated.
5. It looks long and elegant.
6. I do love the whole look.

We would like the scale and elegance of the first one with just subtle shifts in the shades of the green and brown. Is that possible? Could it be the same tones as the green and brown in CakeDreams? Is that possible? What if it were just like the first, with the slight change of colors hues, a few more leaves, and have the book pop a color (Like a deep red?)

If we do more of an Autumn theme, I would prefer very similar to entry 10, but maybe with all reddish leaves ( a deep red) and a popped color book (maybe muted green or light gold.)

Please don't remove entry 25 as Rich loves it and it's his favorite. We're discussing!

Also, Rich asked if the eyes of his owl could look a little wiser.

13 years ago

Also the book could just pop to match the bows instead of the leaves. Karen
13 years ago

I'm really happy!:) Rich is going to love his wise eyes!

I do like the colors.

Here is what we'd like to see.
Option 1: The brown of entry 26 with the green of entry 10-- or close to that. We would like the bows the light greenish yellow of entry 10, and the book still green (or do you think it would be good if it were a singular color--dark red?) We do want the tiny accent color on the book (along the binding) the same color as that of the bows like you did in entry 10.)

Option 2: Is it a lot of trouble to make all the leaves red? I have no idea if you have to redraw the whole logo or just simply wave a wand to change the colors. I know Rich really wants to see the drawing with a red instead of green (Including the word "Admission".) About Entry 25. I think if the leaves were less orange and more red (keeping that yellow) and if f the whole word "Admission" and her bow were red, it would really be amazing. Also we would like to remove the big leaf over the letters.

Please keep all of yours up, as right now we are in great debate about which colors are the best. We love them all. There's something about entry 10 that feels special to me too! I'm not ready to pass on it. Maybe I like the sparser leaves.

We do love the news eyes and want them no matter what. Thank you very much!


13 years ago

1. We like the red best when it's with the fall shaped leaves as in entry #29. We would like to see the red more of a barn red and less of a pink red. We would like the bows in the light yellows. We would like the red leaves to have a hint of the yellow in them as well. This is a great design if the red could be a bit richer.

2. We are still crazy about the green and brown. I have decided I like the sparser leave configuration (maybe it could have a couple more, but I like the sparser one (entry 10) better than the really full green leaved one (entry 26.) But we do want the adorable new eyes in this. As for the shade of brown and green, we are wondering if perhaps you are better at that than us, but we like the darker green of entry 10 more than the lighter one of entry 26. You decide which brown. I'm getting lost in my own minutia.

We do love the font and the whole idea!

Is it OK that I am giving you this level of detail? I'm a bit embarrassed.

13 years ago
But we do like the light yellow accent of the bows and the highlight on the book.

If we had entry 10, with the new eyes and the darker brown, it would very likely be in first place.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Karen,

Absolutely nothing is too minute when it comes to your logo.

Will post new versions when I get back to my office.

13 years ago

I also just noticed that brown color of the owl's in 26, 28 and 29 is shaded. We like that!

I don't want to mess with the tree because we love the whole shape of it, but my mom didn't know it was an "I".
I think she might have a point. What if there were a notch, just like the one on each side of the base of the "I" that could stick out just on the right side of the "I" in between the green "A" and the brown "I". I don't think it needs to be on the left because there is a branch there that draws the eye. Maybe the notch could be just the slightest hair under the branch height just to keep it natural looking. What do you think? I really am afraid to mess with my tree, but it does need to be clear that it's an "I". Karen
13 years ago

I just realized something else. I will fall in love with the maple if the leaf on the ground disappears. Karen
13 years ago

We are happier and happier. The green is perfect. We love the red too. We still would like to see a bit darker shade of red. By the way, how you have it is lovely and beautiful. I actually love how it looks, but for the purposes of the logo, we would like to see it still deeper. I found a link of a possible red for you. I know you probably can't match it, and that's OK.

Also when you change the red one more time, can we see it with a tiny bit less yellow in the leaves. We would like the small bottom leaf on the far left to be all shades of red-- with no yellow. Then the bottom pretty leaf on the far right could have some yellow in it, but less than it now has--just a little splash of yellow in it.

The "I" is a good fix. We like it so much that we would like to have a notch on the left also to make sure it looks like an "I".

We are getting so close.

We appreciate your working with us at this level! We hit the jack pot with you! We love your work. We checked out your web site. :) That smiley is my best attempt at art!

You need only make the changes on # 33 because our two clear favorites are 33 and 35.

13 years ago
Hi Anna,

I see you have the owls both reading the book. It's adorable, but I think we like the original way better. We like the I's extra notch though. Please don't remove # 42 though because Rich, of course, really loves it! And we need to make sure we aren't making a mistake not choosing this idea.

I know we are getting a lot more interest on our site and that's fun. I like seeing the ideas and appreciate the spirit of the contest, but no one is coming close in our hearts to your creations.

We still just are excited to see entry 35 with the extra notch on the I and then Entry 33 with the deeper shades of red that I linked above. I dream all VS VS green!

You are the best! Karen
13 years ago
Logo Designer
What a bout putting a subliminal message, crest resembling the Harward logo into the "O" of intuition?
What do you think. It can be removed of course.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh and I wanted to try a tie on him for one of the entries. Just to see if you like it :)
13 years ago
Hi Anna,

Rich likes his bow tie. We don't want the shield. We would like to see it with the tag line in brown (is it black now?) and without the tag line also. If it's not hard to remove the tag line, and you if you prefer, we could figure out all the color and book details first and then at the very end play a little with the tag line. Either way is fine.

Our family is split between green and red. We are also really considering BOTH of them reading the book! How will we ever choose?

I think #47 has a perfect simplicity and elegance and also a playfulness. In # 42 we do love their unity in reading the book together, and we like her wing holding the book and the shape it gives her. But I'm afraid it takes away from the simplicity. But we are in hot debate.

Do you have one more shade of red to try. What about a barn red--with less pink in it. Ai Yi Yi!

13 years ago

Can we see number #54 with a touch more yellow in the leaves and reading the book together? Is it the same red as #33? Can we see them reading together?

I'd also like to see # 55 with the tag line back in.

We'd also like to see #33 exactly the same with the tag in brown.

Thank you for putting up with me!


13 years ago
Just a tiny little hint of yellow on the leaves and a highlight of yellow on the book binding and the tiniest amount of shading on #54!

13 years ago

We are leaning definitely towards the red now and we know we want the book open. As you can see, #56 is our favorite.

I want to reference the individual leaves so I am going to number them starting at the leaf closest to the boy owl on the top. I'll call that leaf #1 and number them counter clockwise.

Can we put leaves # 1 and #2 from entry # 33 onto entry #56 (these are the middle and far right leaves on the top?) We think your shading of those two leaves are exquisite.

Could the little dot of yellow on leaf #3 (farthest on top left) be smeared a bit so it's not so much a circle. I totally realize how crazy I sound and I promise this is almost over! And we will love our logo forever.

About the shades of red:

We are happy and will be happy with this red if there isn't a darker red out there. But Rich is really bugging me about a darker red (that doesn't become maroon.) I'm not sure how to describe it, but maybe a brown red, a darker red, not one that looks like a brown, but browner rather that yellower or pinker if you had to describe it. Maybe you'd think of it as a bluer rather than a yellower red. Do you have something like that in your arsenal? If not, it's OK. I told Rich it might be that different computers transmit colors differently anyway.

Please hang in there with me. I've gone crazy and I know it. We could be happy with all of yours actually. I am sorry I am nit-picking this to death.


13 years ago

Did you use 4 or 15 in any of ours? Karen
13 years ago

If we haven't seen it in 15 or 4, we'd like to if it's an easy thing to do.

We like the shading of the leaves best in 48 if you can turn that into what ever color you can.

Can you easily get the shaded leaves of #48 to be in the hues that go with the color of #56, color 15 and color 4?

Bow tie, book open, new "I", etc etc etc. Karen
13 years ago
Logo Designer
#63 changed the reds to 15&4 combo
13 years ago

You did it! We are thrilled with both the red and the green. They are both wonderful, except that the green, #42, just needs to have the tag line turned to the brown. I think it's still black. Oh, and is it possible to make the girl owl's eyes look down slightly at the book? We now just are going to decide which color. We are really torn.

i love the red leaves. You did them perfectly. The green is so elegant.

Is it possible to buy them both? Then maybe one day you could make us one also with cherry blossoms and one with snow. We could have one for each season!

If it's possible, how much would the second one be?

We are sooooooo excited. Thank you for putting up with my minutia.


13 years ago
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