We really like the #89 triangle and color. Seems brighter red. The words, Software, Inc., do not fit the look for the triangle. I am not sure how to describe it... A thought is to break the word software into a v shape 'soft' 'ware' with no clue what to do with 'Inc. Where the shadow is. Okay with that said, definitely open to other designs of the words 'Software, Inc.' Maybe a line under the word in v shape with Inc at the end of the line. Thank you.
Hi. This same comment is being posted to the Top 5 designers that we have selected.
Thank you for your time working with us and for the great suggestions we have received. We obviously like your designs submitted. We also want you to know that we have visited your profile and like your work there too! We are going to have other website and designs that we will need. Please forward your email address or contact information so we can contact you after the contest.
Back to the current logo contest… There are several of us voting on the logos. Some like this one, some like that one. I would say that logos ranked 1, 2 or 3 have the most votes. We like all of your work and our asking for you to submit more ideas. Please do not feel you need to stay with the logo design listed. You may have something that blows our mind that was nothing like what you submitted or we ranked. We have not put logos in the not interesting column so you know what we are not looking for.
We like the triangles. The new ones too, maybe better than the one that was at the top of our list. We like you other work we saw on your profile. If you have other ideas please submit. We like your creativity!!
161 and 119 - we would like to see if we could use thin black lines for shadow so ADM letters can all be white? Thanks!!
To the top 5: It was pointed out to me by one of the top 5 that it would be a violation to share your contact info with me until the contest ended. I did not know I could still post comments after it was over. My apologies. After the contest is over I will or you can reach out. Thank you all again for your diligence and wonderful suggestions.
Hi. I wanted to let you know that we are pleased with your work. We will meet late today or tomorrow to narrow down do which of your designs we like and may want modified. It is between your triangle, the cube and possibly one other design. I know you can not submit changes at the moment, but I wanted to ask my group what they thought about #226. My thought is to move the gray to the bottom. This will lend itself to looking more like an A. We will move you to the top spot sometime on Monday. We appreciate your time.