Active Physical TherapyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Active Physical Therapy

Active Physical Therapy has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 55 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.




















































Logo Designer
Not sure why no one has attempted making a logo for you yet, but I just noticed your contest tonight and here is my entry! I took your specific idea of a runner and the Columbus skyline, and I created a round all-encompassing emblem logo for your review. I look forward to hearing what you think. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Yes, I was starting to get a bit concerned with the lack of entries... I realize that this isn't exactly a designer's dream assignment, but I figured that it would attract more than 1 with a day left!

Excellent start, and I was very excited when I saw it. Is there any way I could see the design without the motto? I'm afraid that in print it may be too small. Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the quick feedback; your fast response is really appreciated! I have been working on some additional layouts, including one without a slogan (so that is good to hear!)

More to come soon!...
14 years ago
Excellent... looking forward to it!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a completely alternate idea that I had started as well. I will work farther on the initial one, without a slogan, so that you can see which you prefer.

(This comment references Entry #2)
14 years ago
I really like the second one as well... I seem to prefer the first, as the circular logo would carry-over well into print and marketing. I wanted to thank you too in keeping in-line with our desires!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree with the versatility being better with the first one; I am glad you are aware of how important that is. Here is a revised version, without the slogan. Right now "Physical Therapy" is somewhat more prominent than "Active", which I wanted to make sure is in line with what you are hoping your logo to do and say. Otherwise, we can certainly tweak it further as well. Thanks for working so quickly back and forth with me--it makes my job easier.

(This comment references Entry #3)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is an alternate option on black, so that you can see how it would look on darker backgrounds...

(This comment references Entry #4)
14 years ago
I think I prefer #3, due to number one being a bit too busy...
14 years ago
Hey Good Guy..... can you try an option without the skyline? Feel free to add your spin, too. You've done a great job thus far in keeping with our specifications, but I'd like to see a bit more of your creativity as well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing. I will work on some new ideas tonight, as soon as I get to my studio. Thanks.
14 years ago
Also, could I see #3 in red and blue, instead of black?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. I will get that ready for you as well, as soon as I can. (My design computer is down right now, but I am working frantically to get it up and running!) As soon as I am fully functional again, I will have some new work for you to see. Talk with you then.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, I see you have re-ranked & prefer the other version now. Is there any variations on this one you wish to see? Changes can still be made during judging mode, if needed.

(I am currently reinstalling all of design software on to my design computer, and then I should be fully functional again!)
14 years ago
Thanks. A couple of requests here:

1. Can you change the font for the "Active" to something non-cursive/more professional?
2. Can you condense the overall logo -- i.e. place the shield-type logo above or below the text?

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a more contained logo. I will see what else I can come up with as well!

(This comment references Entry #25)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I reworked the layout in some new ways, and simplified the overall look and feel of it. Let me know if any of these really jump out at you or not, and I will be happy to tweak them further.

Thanks for your patience, as I got back up to speed with everything. I really appreciate it.
14 years ago
Thanks for the updated designs... we are planning on reviewing all of your samples and suggest revisions/updates.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
That sounds great; thanks for the update!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I posted some new revisions for your review: (#42, #43, #44)

An update on the current top-ranked design, as well as a couple featuring the new "A" concept. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
14 years ago
I like entry 44 a lot (red runner and while background). Please replace the A in active with the shield (looks like a great A with the black line you added). And, maybe try to adjust the runner to look/act as the c. Could you make the Active with one as all caps and then one with just the cap/shield A and rest lower case? Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I posted some new revisions for you to check out, per your most recent feedback. I am loving the energy of the logo now, that was not quite fully there before. :)

(This comment references entries #45, #46, #47, #48, #49)
14 years ago
Good Guy-

We are a bit concerned with the city skyline in the "A" being too small in print and on shirts. Do you foresee this being an issue with #49?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Excellent question. I would say for it being a full-front design on a shirt, you will definitely have no problems--I kept it simple enough from the start with silk-screening in mind (this is why I avoided adding any windows or other gaps in the design; solid ink should print great).

If you are envisioning it as a smaller crest however (3-4" wide on the left chest, for example), then it will be less pronounced but still legible. The corners are sharp and all solid, so it should hold up for the most part at even smaller sizes. Personally, for anything smaller like this (including embroidery), I would suggest just having the custom "A" shape without all of the text. This would give you a great alternate logo option for smaller media, such as uniforms, caps, etc.

If you would like me to simplify it further, I certainly could. As of now, I feel like it is reflective of the city and simplifying too much might take away from that. But, if that is not a concern at this point, I will be happy to rework it to something with less angles and buildings involved.

Let me know what you decide, and we can go from there. Thanks!
14 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply... we have thought about just using the A for our uniforms/polos, so it's good to hear that you kept that in mind...

We plan on deciding a winner today, and are unsure of how it works from there. Can you send just the "A" design as well as the full logo as well?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Yessir. Any of the pieces of the logo (just the "A", versus the whole thing) will be provided via email from me, at the conclusion of the contest. That way, you will have them all on-file, in their own independent forms, to use as needed.

ie: Whole-Logo, A-only, Whole-Logo 1-color, A-only 1-color, etc., etc.
Whatever you need, will be provided! No problem at all.
14 years ago
Excellent, thanks. Could we also see the script in lower case as well (the ctve, that is)?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing. Unfortunately, I do not have access to my freelance files until later in the afternoon today. But, I can certainly do so at that time, if you do not mind waiting. If anything else comes to mind during the day, feel free to submit additional requests and I will accommodate them as soon as I can!
14 years ago
No problem at all. We can surely wait until this evening.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is one with the lower case letters instead!...

(This comment references Entry #50)
14 years ago
Can we see #50 without the skyline? Thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Here you go!

(This comment references Entry #52)
14 years ago
I realize it's a bit late, but can we see #50 with the city skyline outlined (possibly in black?) Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem at all. Don't worry about your time line; let's just make sure we get it to be exactly how you want it. :)

I will be on around 5:00pm central and should be on here most of the evening, so I am sure we can nail it down then, with whatever additional back-&-forth is needed. I will talk with you then!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is how it looks with a black border around the city...

(This comment references Entry #53)
14 years ago
Can we see #53 with a slightly thinner line please? Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing!

(This comment references Entry #54)
14 years ago
Congrats, goodguy! We really appreciate your help and quick responses to our repeated inquiries.
14 years ago
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