This is spinal cord & teeths imagery in my vision. Human laying which we see with the spinal cord and we see the mouth with spinal cord as teeths .... #25 and #26
What you perefer Dear Dr. Alexander ? Realistic Spinal cord or no ? Number 24 is good imagery.If you give me a more information i can give your dream logo to you ..
ACtive chiropractic needed to install in diseased customers brain with this logo.Because they must to see relaxed human body and relaxed spinal cord figure for select Active Chiropractic Clinical for therapy , cure..
thanks for the new style #127 but not sure I like it, sorry. Just saw all your comments. Sorry I didn't respond earlier. My goal is to have a log that shows activeness, yet comes off modern and professional.
Interesting designs, and I like the conept better then the first ones, but don't think its what im looking for, but thanks, you folks are all doing a good job. #257
Thanks Dear Dr. Alexander.My father is doctor too.And i am trying to help you for that reason.I can redesign or revise this concept if you have an ideas for make better...