I really like where you're going with #10, #16 & #17.... I would like you would like to see you fine tune these and maybe give me some different color variations as well as a more creative design to see where you can go with these.
I like the colors together however i'm not sold on the logo itself. Can you maybe rework the logos and see what you can come up with. Remember I'd like to logo to be able to be recognized without seeing the full wording of the logo. Think the Alltel Wireless Logo with just the @ sign or T-Mobile with just the pink T or Verizon with the Check Mark or AT&T with the globe ... I'd like to see something like that that can offer brand recognition without the wording.
You are by far the leading designer on this project. I'm loving your logo designs and work. I like the new trademark logo that you've came up with but I would like to see an "A" and a "W" rather than all lines pointing down (example #34.) I would also like you to come up with even more logos for me to choose from. It's good to have options but I can tell you I really like the color variations of #37, #42 & #39