Hi, a pleasure to greet you, and is happy to be participating in your contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for your logo #90 #91 Hope you like.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
Thank you so much for being a part of my contest, it is a breathe of fresh air.
I like #90 and #91. I would ask that you consider the following modifications. I absolutely love your The Round House logo! It is my favorite thing you have done and it is just simply beautiful, but it is also tough and full of movement and action. I want to try and get the same feel as this logo as we can for our logo.
I was thinking maybe we could try 1) Make all the text of ACTION SPORTS VIDEO.COM text IN CAPITALS (and put a little space between the words action and sports). 2) use the same font you used on the Round House and get as close to the style and size of it. 3) Put in a star or video play button triangle icons on the side maybe? 4) Maybe bring in the color blue if you see it fitting anywhere. 5) I think the snow capped mountain looks fantastic. I love the way you brought the eagle head into the center of the Round House logo flowing off of the outside border outline. I think it would be cool to do the same with our logo but make it some waves (we may need to move the awesome snow capped mountain up and to the side more to make room for this?).
The waves and the snow capped mountain represent our sports of surfing, wakeboarding, kitesurfing, windsurfing, kayaking, climbing, snowmobile, snowboarding, skiing, but we also have sports like motocross, off road trucking, ATV Quads, motorcycle so it would be great to add a third or fourth element to represent these motorsports in a non-cheesy, subtle way that blends nicely with our mountain and wave elements?
What do you think Daniel?
Thanks so much for everything, it is a pleasure working with you. - Erik
motocross, off road trucking, ATV Quads, motorcycle all have the "wheel" in common. They also have sand dunes and dirt in common (except street motorcycle)??
Just throwing some thoughts out about my last note to you. Cheers.
I am glad we made it on to the next phase of my contest together. I just wanted to make sure you got my last few notes and wanted to see what you thought? I placed your unfinished round logo at my top spot of my contest because all I needed was a marker to put you in my top spot because I already have seen and know what you can do.
Please let me know if you plan working on it still? Just wanted to see where you were at with it?
Hi Erik, here I have uploaded some alternatives with some details aggregates. To give you a space to all disciplines with a simple style #115 #116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #121. Hope you like. Anyway, if you have any special request please let me know.
Thanks so much for the uploads. It is getting closer. It is a rough diamond, let's see if we can buff it up some more.
A) I like the outside tire tread pattern and the chain, but I am not sure yet if they will work with this logo. So we can try versions with and without the outside tire tread pattern and the chain as we go along.
B) The lettering is looking better, but I think we need to 1) make it just one size number smaller (not much, just a hair because maybe it is looking a little crowded). Please let's also move the Action and the Sports a little closer together (not as close as the other letters, but closer). 3) Let's to also move the Video and the .com a little closer together (not as close as the other letters, but closer).
Specifically speaking of #117 - I like the inside of this one except I don't like the wavy design at the top. 1) Let's please remove that completely and let's replace it with 3 cool waves lining up behind the mountain.
Please go to this link below to see an example of the waves I am talking about. Would be great to do something similar to these 3 cool waves!
The snow capped mountain and the two cool trails coming off them look fantastic!!, so please don't change those at all. You may need to move the mountain a little to make the new waves work better, I will leave that up to you to decide?
2) I like the Blue and want to keep using it, but we may want to try versions of what we do with Red and or Orange as well?
3) Would be cool if we could figure out a way to make the inside circular border (chain area or spokes) blend into the center illustration better?
It is starting to come together, thanks so much for the help with the changes.
Here are my new designs with the changes applied #131 #132 #133 #134 #135 #136 #137 #138. I hope they are well made. Remember, if you have any other requirement, please let me know.
I had a busy day. Sorry for the delay getting a response to your cool designs.
I am liking #131 the most. Black or Blue ring background color???
I like how the waves blend into the border outline of the ring, but the waves are a little to big and are a little to hard to make out as waves I think.
Can you please take a look at some wave art I have for you to see at my flickr account link below?
1) Please try to make the waves and most specifically the curl of the waves (the place right before the breaking whitewater of the waves) a little more like a real waves (see the 2 examples I am showing you?).
>>We want to keep the waves clean and simple like you have them<<, we just need to make them slightly more detailed at the "curl area". I REALLY LIKE the illustration with the 3 waves and the sun. Would be great to make the waves like these waves at the curl kind of blended in with the long lined out waves you already have. Maybe put a Sun in the sky if we can fit one in there???
2) Please make the waves a little smaller compared to the mountain. The wave closest to the mountain should have a more space between the mountain (so people can really see your great snow capped mountain better).
3) Please make a red "Video Play" Triangle shape (instead of the red round dot) inside the "O" in Video.
Can we please make versions with the changes above with a) black ring color b) blue ring color c) red dot circle d) red "Video Play" Triangle shape (instead of the red round dot).
Sorry for my delay in responding. Here I have uploaded my designs with different types of waves, in addition to other changes #169 #170 #171 #172 #173 #174. The triangular button "play" on the letter "o" in the word video, I can not use because it's a designer who is protecting this idea.
As far as the triangular button "play" on the letter "o" in the word video. It was my idea actually and 2 different designers are already using it because I told them to. The triangular button "play" is obvious to the word video making it fair game to any designer I thought? You know more about the LT.com world than I being one of it's best designers : ) No big deal, it is not a vital element of this logo at all, Thanks for letting me know. The sun does not work with the design for me, so just remove that idea please.
Daniel, #131 is pretty much the way I want it, except we need to change the waves a little more. I have a very detailed drawing with notes and visuals to show you exactly what I want at this link at my Flickr page, please look at it as soon as possible and make these changes as quickly as you can (next 2-4 hours if possible)?
The waves you have on #131 are the way I want them already except - Please change - 1) Please make the wave lines curve less down > ( Less Down ) < on Right side. They should curve down a little , but not as much as this around the mountain and down.
2) add the “Curls” to each wave (please see drawing for example of how to make the curls to add to these great waves you aleady made. Please keep the addition edit of the curls into the waves basic, We don’t want to lose the clean basic simple less obvious feel it has.
3) Please move the mountain and trial back to the place they were on # 131. Please make sure there is more space than this between the mountain and wave but don’t move mountain to make the space.
The waves do look great now the way they go across left to right connecting to the white borders. Let’s try to keep the over all feel they have now, but with the changes above. Give them more of a “tube” feel but keep them simple and basic like they already are : )
Daniel, please make these changes as soon as possible, the contest is wrapping up soon.
1) Take the waves curve out by 80% (almost no curve at all) on both versions
2) Take the waves curve out by 80% (almost no curve at all) on both versions and on the second version also make the waves like this instead with an outline at the top and bottom of each wave (see diagram)
Well as far as the round logo I think I like the #193 the most. #193 does need to have a line put at the top of the 3rd wave, to me it does not look right having it different than the other two waves.
You must have been tired when you made #194 because you put the whitewater part of the waves in the wrong spot ( you have it on the left and it should be on the right side where the waves curls meet the flat water in front of them :) Please make a version of #194 with the white way=er on the right side.
#195 is cool, but I want to see another version with waves breaking from right to left instead of left to right and also please make the waves go all the way into the round border outline.like the waves on #193.
I think the waves will be close to be being done after we make these changes.
You must have been tired when you made #194 because you put the whitewater part of the waves in the wrong spot (you have the whitewater's of the weaves on the left and they should be on the right side where the waves curls meet the flat water in front of them :)
Please make a version of #194 with the whitewater on the right side.
Please make a version of #194 with No whitewater's on the waves.
I wanted to personally thank you for your participation in our contest. Your logo was right there at the end and it was a tough decision to make. In the long run, I think it turned out that I just had way to much info and things going on to fit into that little round logo area. You did the best that could be done with it, it was just me trying to put to much info in that little area in the long run and it not fitting like I said.
I really like the last few logos we did together. Even though they did not work out to be our main logo, I would like to use that logo design you did for T shirts or stickers as one of our alternate logos. I would like to pay you some cash for the files on those last 2 logos, would you consider this?
Please send me your contact info so we can make arrangements.
Daniel, I think you are a great person and an amazing artist and it was a privilege working with you. I am starting a surfing/apparel company soon and I will be needing logos and art work for that as well as other business I do and I would love to do some more work together in the future.
I appreciate all the hard work you did for me and like I said, I would like to give you some money for the files to help compensate for the time and effort you put in.
Please let me know your thoughts? Thank you, thank you......