Entry 72 Delete dots in top part of orchid ears. Make bottom green bits slightly longer. The darker yellow shape in the middle - change shape slightly to more how the phote is. - ie not such a triangle shape. Also design is a little too symetrical ie move one ear slightly. Just needs to be very slightly asymetrical. Font needs to be caps and lower case ie ParkCare.
Entries 78 and 77 Caps and lower case text, Not all caps. I prefer Entry 77 with the flower to the left but perfer Entry 62 better with text ither side of the orchid. Only one colour for font ie darker green
Entries 78 and 77 Caps and lower case text, Not all caps. I prefer Entry 77 with the flower to the left but perfer Entry 62 better with text ither side of the orchid. Only one colour for font ie darker green