Entry 86. Delete green squiggle in background and add teh words ParkCare to the design. Try Papyrus font in caps nd lowercase ie ParkCare. We write it all as one word with cap P and C and the rest lowecase.
Entry 90. Can you put the text to one side of the drawing ie to the right of the drawing? I am not sure I like the text over the two lower bits of the orchid. Also can you try one with the words 'Park' and 'Care' separated by the orchid lower bits? thanks
entry #95. can you make the two red dots the same colour brown as the other brown bits on the orchid? Also will this design translate in blak and white as well as colour?
Two color version, spot color printing (no gradient): #127 - Pantone 477 C (brown) and Pantone 396 C (yellow green) #128 - Pantone 477 C (brown) and Pantone 382 C (lime green)
Grayscale (one color printing): #129
B&W version (no shades of gray): #130 - Pantone 370 C (green) #131 - Pantone 477 C (brown) #132 - Black