#9 looks good however the swimmer is doing the butterfly stroke which is never used in an open water swim. I like the unique shape of the emblem. Can you use a different swimmer? or even the "ogopogo" like #5 or #13
#12 is unique too. Wonder if it can be jazzed up a bit with some gradients
#30 - Could the sun rays behind the swimmer be yellow/orange? Also make the maple leaf not so prominent and make it so the point is not so prominent on the bottom. #29 - I like the background behind the ogopogo, but not the ogopogo itself. Looks to snake like. We have young kids doing our event and I don't want it to look scary!. Could you make the drops smaller and have the tail extending to the outside similar to his head.
#26 - this one is growing on me, but the ogopogo is too prominent. That's all you see when you look at the logo. Any way to tone it down a bit by either making it smaller and the humps not so tall? instead of the additional ring around the sun, could sun rays be added?
Thanks for the feedback. I am working on your design revision and new design will submit till Monday morning. If you need urgent then please let me know i will submit submit design in urgent case.