Hi, thanks for your submission. I like #24 and would like to work through a variation please. Could you kindly give the acorn a brown top and make the text upper and lower case and perhaps work with some different font options. I quite like different fonts for each word and like Acorn having the green colour by itself. Please note a spelling mistake in the logo "Grow, Plan & Live". Thanks, looking good.
Yes, it's the wrong wording. I like #46 - however could you please change Acorn Live Solutions to Acorn Life Solutions and also change the slogan to Plan, Grow & Live the Life you Deserve. Thanks. Could you please also put LIFE in all caps - I'd just like to see how that looks? Thanks, really looking good.
I have just realised that #23 looks like a jigsaw and I would like you to explore this further with the whole acorn being say 7 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle please (to indicate the seven areas of life). Thanks.