Thanks for your submission. I really like the colour brown but it doesn't seem to work for me in the Text. Could you perhaps try Black text but keep LIFE in green and perhaps put LIFE in all Caps? Thanks. Your take on the graphics is good and I like the idea of having it centred with the text. Could you please give the acorn more emphasis in the graphic and the leaves a bit less. Perhaps colour the leaves in with a full green colour. I am looking for bold, sharp, crisp colours so perhaps another green would be in order. Looking great. Thanks heaps.
Hi I really like #40, but would like to see a deeper green colour please and the slogan in a dark grey colour. I have also revised the slogan to "Plan, Grow & Live the Life you Deserve". Thanks, looking great! Keep it coming.
Are you able to see the other designs being put forward? If so I would like to see the font used in #35 on the word Acorn incorporated into your design #50. Is that possible? Thanks