#68 has potential to be great - I think the logos are all a bit too small - please scale them larger, and perhaps add an element of a 2nd color. #70 is great as well, with the right colors, it could be a good choice for us. Please enlarge #70 and play with a few color variations, starting with Green/Black/Green for the boxes with white letters like you have now, and the black text for "Exhibits" is perfect, just everything needs to be bigger... Try as many colors as you see fit!
#89 and #90 are Great - I need to see more variations with colors and effects.... The effect for #90 is good, but I like the black center on #89 more, so if you can find a way to combine these two, and try other effects and variations this would help!
#103 is awesome - I have a question - Is there any way to incorporate the SPADE design into this logo? If you take a look at the Top 4 that we have ranked ahead of you, you will see that they are all using the Spade design in their logo ... can you find a way to add the Spade into #103, either inside or outside of your tiles and boxes... That would send it to the top for us.
#103 - can you open it up just a bit so the C in the center is more visible... Not too much because it's nearly perfect, just pull the 2 green window apart a TINY BIT to make the black window with the C slightly more visible in the back...