Thanks a lot for your submission I really like entries 65 and 66, i wanted a logo that communicated accounting and cloud and they definetly do The color combination is great and communicates me easy These are in my prefered logos. I will check these more if i ask a revision it would be maybe on 65 and 66 Thanks
As I indicated before, we really like your offer since we believe it communicates very well what the product is. Anyway, we would like to know if you can come up with a variation on entry 65 and 66 with a simpler logo. Our only concern is that if the logo is too complex, it wont be a very remembered logo. We would like to be able also to use the logo without letters in some moment and people anyway understanding what the product is. Always remembering that we want to communicate: - Business process (accounting) - Easy - Internet Based - Business Community (this one is important) Thanks again
Hi, I received entry 69. It is very nice but it communicates to our eyes the logo of a chat application Right now our prefered logo in the contest is your proposal 66 If you could think of a simpler variation of proposal 66 would be greatly appreciated We really like 66 but would prefer something simpler. Still maintaining what it communicates