Thanks for your submission At this time I really like the offer. I prefer Entry Number 2 since the concept of the product has to be simple and entry number 1 I feel is a bit overwhelming for the logo of the product. Anyway both designs are very good, they both show a tech oriented product, fresh, modern. Thanks again.
Until now your proposal are the best so far. It's clean and fresh. Anyway, if you could give a submission that communicates more the purpose of the product it would best (that is billing, internet, business community, easy). The computer logo communicates more but it's distracting. Other logos communicate this more but we still like you more in terms of aesthetics
Hello Thanks again for your effort in this project The contest is now in the "judging" phase and I understand I can get requests only from you So far you are have best dessign for us However we would like to see if we can still improve it Previously I requested trying different color combinations and something that communicated more that is an internet product The pointer in the logo was a good improvement but would like to see if maybe you can get something in it related to the "cloud" Combining "cloud" and the "papers" in the logo could make something And about the colors, other contestans have combinated green and blue and it looks very attractive to us. Finally trying to reuse the dot in the .com with the dot of the "i" in accounting looks a very nice idea Thanks
We, designers here at LogoTournament, are not allowed to use each other's concept so the cloud and the .com placement belong to the other designer as he was the first designer who used them in your contest.
You can change the ranking though even in judging phase and assign the 1st place to any designer whom you want to work with and finalize from there.
Hello and thanks for your response I understand your comments and it sounds fair I just wish as a customer to have an option to combinate elements that we like in two proposals. The idea would be the customer getting the design they want at the end of the day. ok, I will see the options and review which is the best for us Thanks again for your help
I totally agree with you. You as a customer need to get want you want in an understandable manner. On the other hand we designers have to respect each other's effort because this is a contest site at the end and nothing is guaranteed and that's why this site strives to do that.
I will be fine in using the other designer's concept if he gives permissson and split the prize if that design ends up winning.