Try on with the Symbol then ASG then the ACCESS SALES GROUP like this one. Or some combo thereof. No background Elements. Just plain symbol, letters, text
Loose the background and just use the Symbol, letters and text. No italic on the Text. Try a few diff fonts / entries for the ASG. Reverse it out as well and do just Black Text. Submit a few more like this.
Too many things going on. Simplify. Maybe lose the ACCESS SALES GROUP. and work around that. Also. Reverse it all and try a dark background too. An ideal logo works against black or white. Try just the letters ASG and work with the rest. and what I said
Im not sure. Maybe remove the dark back ground and just go with the Text and Icons... I think you have a good idea but the dark band may not be good. And also consider it against a black background like on the site.
thanks for your feedback,
could you please give me your general opinion on the design. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes your requested? This will help me do a better job next time. thanks.
could you please give me your general opinion on the design. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes your requested? This will help me do a better job next time. thanks.
could you please give me your general opinion on the design. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes your requested? This will help me do a better job next time. thanks.
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could you please give me your general opinion on the design. What you like and dislike in addition to the specific changes your requested? This will help me do a better job next time. thanks.