Thank you for your logo. Perhaps replace the picture in the center (it looks like a shield) with with something that represents that we are going to help students succeed. We are trying to go for a professional, educational logo that caters to both parents and students.
Thanks for your feedback, acctualy i was trying to create a educational symbol as a kite, but i think you're right, it looks like a shield than a kite. :) i will try fix it then and make a new one.
Hi Jeff, thanks for giving me a link to your website, i have check your old company website to seek inspiration. So, i have interested with the book to make it as part of emblem. In this revision I have replace the graphic (kite) with book, path and students. i try to communicate that Academic Achievement & College Counseling Center help/guide student to their path of success. Please let me know if you had any opinion. Meanwhile, i will try another alternative and tweak my design. Thanks, Dika (kodoqijo)
This new logo looks better, however, I'm not sure if it is the right logo for my company. Perhaps a new design needs to be worked on. The revision looks like a volcano erupting and people coming out of the volcano lava. Don't you think? It's a good logo and it might work, but perhaps a new direction.
Hi Jeff, thanks for your feedback again, i think you're right again. i didn't notice it looks like a volcano rather than a path to success. im glad you realize it earlier. Now i try to make another aproach, maybe a pictoral mark than an emblem. so i draw a bachelor hat as pictoral mark, and i draw it in sketch style because it seems both in your website using handwriting-like typeface. so i create the pictoral mark looks like a sketch, just want to know your opinion.
Thanks again for a new design. I don't mean to keep on giving you bad news because I appreciate your logos. But, I'm trying to stay away from graduation hats. Besides the hat, I like the rest of it. It's clean, simple, and professional. Perhaps something in this direction. I wish I could give you more feedback on what I am looking for, but I'm not sure what I am looking for except for what I wrote in my initial post. I know what I do not like. I think your logos have elements of what I like.
Hi Jeff, I appreciate your honest opinion, and im glad you did. this is a contest afterall, and the logo will be represent your company. i fully understand :). no worry.
Hi jeff, This is my new idea, as graphic i using sprout and the book to represent student/education which will grow to reach the world (success). Looking forward for your comment.
Hi Dika, it's a good logo. Other contenders have come up with designs that are more compatible with what I am looking for. Thank you for entering the contest.