WYN Thank you for the designs! I like #4 the best because it retains the integrity of the word Abodia. I don't think I am ready to go to the acronym yet so #3 wouldn't work, although I do think its a clever design. #8 feels like the word is broken up and I am not sure the "O" works for me. Please send any other cool ideas, I will give feedback quickly! Thanks
#32 is cool but I think the "O" is too different from the rest of the letters, could I see it with the O in the same font as the other letters. Do you have a font available where the letters are a tiny bit thicker?
Hi, the roof idea is good in #56, #55 and #32 but the O just isn't working for me. Maybe a version like these with more rounded letters? I also think #31 is a good design, but again I keep coming back to the O being so different from the other letters.
HI, #'s 79, 80 & 81 are interesting! I think #79 works the best. Could I see a version of 80/81 with some voids in the letters like 79 but maybe smaller so the letter wall/font is thicker?