PeggyB, thank you for the submissions! #10 and #9 are interesting, I think the lighter colors are compelling but I suppose I need to consider the possible backgrounds. I feel that that first A is too visually segregated from the word so that my eye sees BODIA more prominently than ABODIA. #7 is nice but doesn't click for me. #1 is visually my favorite but I am unsure of the significance of the square, not that it absolutely needs one. The overlapping colors remind me of a Caribbean sea, which is always a good thing.
I am not trying to be critical but I am hoping it helps fine tune the design. I would be curious what a design with just a capital A and the rest lower case would look like and with more rounded corners on the fonts?
Thanks again, I would love to see tweaks of these or other ideas.
The significance of the square is to evoke thoughts of a home (window in the center). The outer bits are just a fun play on the catch the eye. Thank you for providing feedback. I'll work on additional entries.
PeggyB, Thanks for the explanation and for the new submission #33, I like it. Is there some "Law of logos" that states it is best to have all capital letters for the company name? I haven't been through tis before so if I am making a big blunder it would be great to know. Thank you
For what it's worth, here's my opinion on capital letters vs. mixed case or all lower case. All caps tend to suggest authority, but can sometimes be a little too strong or off-putting. Mixed case or all lower case letters suggest a friendlier/more approachable company. Perhaps this is why major companies have made the switch to lower case lettering (Macy's, Sears, Xerox to name a few). You might want to try googling other residential property management logos to see if one case style is more popular than the other. However, my ultimate recommendation is to go with what you like.
Another point to mention... In a contest arena like this, designers often tend to follow suit based upon the current first place logo. It if appears the contest holder prefers all caps to a mixed letter case, you'll start seeing more entries with all caps (or vice versa). If you'd like to see more entries with a mixed case, you might want to post a comment on the main page of the contest. Or you could move a mixed case entry into first place and see what happens next :)
Hi, thanks for the comments. I like your designs in #'s 63,64 & 67. Would a fatter font in the same style possibly work? I'd be interested in seeing that. Thanks!
Hi, so it looks like were in the next phase! In #63, the little teardrop shape, I assume it is to represent a "marker" on online maps, is that right? At least that is what I think of which is a great connection to the Prop Mgt bus as rentals are a huge part of the bus. It is at a slight angle, would it look PK being upright? Also could the letters be a bit fatter/thicker? Thank you, I look forward to seeing your ideas!
Hi there! Yes, it's a marker/locator pin :) #119 - here it is with wider letters and the marker upright. With this revision, I also enlarged "property management." What do you think?