Hi can we try making #63 lose the ent after electrical? Try grey and green tones and on first glance the a1 looks like a G can we try to make it look more like an a1? Thanks heaps Karl
Great work with all your designs Lucko. Can we try a few tweaks with the number 64, I was thinking losing the ent off the logo. With the green could try a lighter shade of green and a darker shade of grey in the word electrical. I don't know if it would work but using the orange from logo 63 in logo on 64 and the dark grey in the word electrical.
Hi, with design 88 could we try making the word ELECTRICAL as big as the A1 symbol and then putting ENT on the end of the word Electrical running verticle?
Not sure if you understood the last message, but could you try to achieve what we have suggested? So we will have the A1 symbol at the start and then the word ELECTRICAL the same hieght as A1 then the word ENT at the end running verticle
Design 112 looks great.In regards to the word ENT we don't really want to see it, its only by law in Australia we must show it on our logo. Could we try 3 little things? 1. Soften the ENT either lighter or smaller in one design 2. Make ENT more bold text and then relace the L on Electrical with ENT in one design 3. Inprint the word ENT inside the letter L on Electrical in one design By trying these things we are trying to hide ENT in the logo at fisrt glance, so when the logo is on the side of the vans the public will read it as A1 Electrical.