A Mural for MeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / A Mural for Me

A Mural for Me has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 126 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.


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Entry 3 & 5 are not very readable to me. I don't like the pastel palette. Entry # 4 is too cutesy.
14 years ago
I take that back. Entry #4 is growing on me. I would make the font less colorful- make the color serious, deep, not black, but deeper color. It is busy, so maybe if we cut out the second butterfly and less flowers, and also the color of the flowers needs to change.... I think too colorful. If we can tone down the colors, and also fewer elements. I like the font. I like the flow, and the tag line incorporation.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, here's entry #4 with color changes, colors toned down. Any other changes welcomed.


(This comment references Entry #6)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's entry #4 with color changes, minus the butterflies.

(This comment references Entry #7)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's design #5 with color changes and more readable font treatment.

(This comment references Entry #8)
14 years ago
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