Update of Name: A.M.O.S. Pet Rescue and Hospice [please add Hospice to logo] Client wants to convey that they rescue unwanted dogs/cats (usually with issues), so is there a way to represent a dog/cat that has a bandage or injury or illness? The cats and dogs in the logo represent a healthy dog and this rescue is more like a hospice or hospital to help injured / unwanted animals. The client likes the hearts as a nice image, but not so much for the logo [that is why #25 ranks before #26]. Client does like the red cross, but not sure if it belongs on the dog
I just want you to know that I respect your design and concept and am not entirely sure what the LT rules are regarding this, but the client has specifically asked me for some revisions using the International Red Cross in some revised designs. I modified the concept a bit by adding a red circle around the cross to help separate the concept the best I can and I have submitted the new designs for the client to review. I hope there is no hard feelings. .