#78 concept is a camera-book.The books are usually the best way to keep memories, that's why I wanted to play with this double meaning. #77 is more of a classy look, I know you wanted to have the design pink, but I think a liletime is made out of many more colours.
Both your designs are very beautiful! And we like them both... Can you make the logos next to the left or right of the words? Also, from now on, make the work "of" all in small caps. I like your color idea on the apperture! Can you change the font a bit so it doesn't look like you just typed it in? These are really good! Thanks!
Yeah, try something with the initials, since only one designer has dones something worth looking at... We like the script type, but not too fond of something that you used in "Word". We are liking entry #91 a lot... and we like #88 a lot too, but although the idea of a camera and a book in one is incredible, the artwork of it looks too cartoonish... we are looking for something more elegant. See what you can do with that. Try also on #91 to make the artwork in 1 color, pink or red or black... we like it in the rainbow colors, but we want to see how it would look in 1 color. Thanks!
#135 is very very cute! but since it looks too cute, we may not pick it. Try toning it down a bit... I really don't know how, but we like it, but not enough. try doing #91 in pink with the new script. PLease submit your entries with a black background as well. Thanks!