ATTENTION #### ATTENTION ####ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### Please Experiment with incorporating our web address into the logo. The web address is Thank you
For Entry #182 please put a thin outline around the A-1. And please make the GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! bigger and/or bolder so it's easier to read. Thank you
For Entry #206 I like how you put the website address. That was very artistic and classy. Please try to make the emblem a little bolder. I like how the red top wraps around like in Entry #141 more. The red outline in #206 makes it look like a sleepy eye. Thanl you
Good question! No. It´s not difficult at all. It´s like any design with gradients you see. The only limitation for logos with gradients is Silkscreen and embroidery, you need plain colors for any of those methods.
I don´t see any problem for the gradient versions. They are easy to reproduce using Sublimation or Laser methods, I´ve done it before and results are great.
I´ve uploaded a plain colors version in case you want to compare. You can always have a volume (gradients) version and a plain version for different needs. As you see with plain colors all volume is gone and design needs to be simplified. This is only if you want to go with silkscreen.
Here´s a link to some t-shirts I printed for a client about 3 years ago. They have gradients and it still look perfect: These were made using color sublimation.
Nat, The feedback that I'm getting from others is that your design is too complicated to comprehend quickly. Please experiment with simplier designs like Baco's. Thank you
Nat, If I had to have a picture hanging on the wall of the pharmacy, then Entry #273 would be it. It is a work of art that I could look at for minutes at a time. On the other hand, I am in a cut-throat business where I must chose effectiveness over beauty. I would like to see if you could make Entry #273 more memorable with a glance. You have 3 lines of lettering and people don't see that as a single idea. "The United States of America" is 5 words but people don't see the 5 words they see 1 country as a single idea. That's what I want the logo to do. If you can fuse everything into 1 or 2 ideas, then that is what I want. EL PS - Please don't change the on the pill (like you did on Entry #338). I liked it on there.
N, You have pretty colors and the best website display (the pill really tells it's story well). Please try to make the A-1 and Guaranteed lowest prices in town! easier to read on Entry #394.
Hi!, here you have an update. I think all text is readable, and also the contrast between all colors used make all elements readable in any size. It´s also easy to convert to one color only. Thanks!, Nat
Actually, my fonts are bolder than those. It´s just that they uploaded bigger logos. If you compare the fonts you´ll see mine are bolder. But I´ll retouch the proportions and make mine a bit wider so I have more room for wording. I think you should see all logos in small sizes and compare the balance between colors and white. In small sizes the logo tends to look really bad is it doesn´t have proper proportions or overlapped texts.
N, Please make the ".com" on the pill slightly larger so it's easier to read and can I see what the design would look like with a slightly darker blue please.
I'm sorry i lost all connection with where the standards were going in this contest. I really couldn't tell what the contest holder was looking for at one point. Congrats if you win Nat! You really do deserve it!
Argentina is my favorite football team. I hope you make the 2010 World Cup :)