Dear Baco, I like your colors and design a lot. Would you try to make it have some sort of a border though? I plan on having the employees wear the emblem on the breasts and sleeves of the company workshirts. Thank you, EL
Dear Baco, For Entry # 38 please take the shading (shadow reflection) off so that it's easier to read? And please underline Guaranteed with a different colored line to make it look like it was done with a marker or crayon. Thank you
ATTENTION #### ATTENTION ####ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### ATTENTION #### Please Experiment with incorporating our web address into the logo. The web address is Thank you
For entry #111 I think that it'll be easy to reproduce the logo on shirts because of the simple color(s)? Please add onto it and let's see what it looks like. Thank you
Dear Baco, Please make the A-1 in Entry #332 RED like it is in #109. Red stands out better than blue. Thank you PS - Also, your design is so uncluttered. It would make it even less cluttered if you took the www. off the web address. Do you think it's necessary to identify it?
Baco, My private email is That design that you have hit on (Entry #350 and #332) is the best design so far because it is so simple and effective. To quote one of my friends: "Less is more." (Even though it looks a little bit like Wal-Mart) Your weakness is that you can't make it sharp and defined with outlining so that it jumps out at people. EL
Thanks, do you mean all lettering, the "discount pharmacy, guarantee, and lowest prices in town." Do you have a font in mind? I will try some different lettering tonight!