#14 That is what I was talking about. The color helps. This is my first time with this system so I am not sure what you can see, but one of the other designers is using an all caps font that has no cross on the A, like an upside down V.I think I would liek something like that with your X.
I can see all submissions by everyone who enters...the only thing I cannot see is any private feedback you post on a designer submission page...except what you post here of course
LT is going to revert back to it's previously setup LT had a major overahaul last sunday but it's not working out....this will happen in about 3-6 hours so the site should go down just about now.
Thank you for considering my work I've upload several variations.
Though you have not made a final decision I can make any edits you like to see before finalizing the contest. Just let le me know and I'll have the edits uploaded in a timely fashion.