Of your designs we preferred entry #12. In particular we liked the globe element that you provided that no other design has incorporated thus far. Would it be possible to make the continents a little more distinct? I know that would be difficult to do with RCN over the continents. One additional thought would be to include people somehow in the design. An option could be to replace the RCN with people and place RCN at the bottom before Sustainable Cities. Just some thoughts. Thanks.
Thank you for following up. We extended the competition as we are still awaiting some additional feedback from members of our research group. Your design is one of the final three being discussed. We should have a decision in the next 3 days. There are few small changes we will be asking of each design/designer.
In particular, we need to change the title name from "RCN" to "NSF-RCN" to acknowledge a funding source. Specific to your design (#20 is the design we most like of all your designs) would it be possible to make the text for RCN: Sustainable Cities larger (and add the NSF-) and remove the tagline at the bottom ("research and implementing....")? We feel the text will not be readable if this logo is used on a website.
I may be asking for some additional small changes as I get additional feedback. If you would like to wait until I hear from additional members before making the changes, that will work as well. Thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you for all your good work and for being so responsive. We have received feedback from the group and they like one of your designs the best. We are going to declare you the winner, however, I was hoping you could make a couple small changes first. The group actually likes one of your earlier designs the best (entry #13). I was wondering if you could make a version of that logo without the tagline underneath (i.e. remove "researching and implementing...") and I was also wondering if you could provide the same logo and layout but make the RCN: Sustainable Cities portion of the logo a little bolder (perhaps similar to, but not as large as, the text you used in entry #58 (and again do not include the tagline below. You do not need to add NSF to either logo as we now believe that is unnecessary text.
Thank you for all your help and please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Koben sorry forgot to tell you, only first rank designer able to upload design during judging, I have made the updates, could you please move me to first rank so I can upload the designs.