Entry #7 - I like this one the best out of the 3 you posted. I like the dance and fitness in black. Could you change the shape of the dancer's body? Possibly make it more shapely?
I'm also not 100% set on needing a dancer's body as a part of the logo, it was just one idea I wanted to see. So if you have any other ideas, I'd love to see them.
Entry #'s 11,12,13 - ok you were right, it doesn't look as artistic as I had hoped.
However it did make me look at entry #7 again - could you try to use that picture and use the arms of the body for the letter T in Turning and the bottom for the D in dance? Just to see what it looks like.
Thanks again for changing it up and working with me on this. Much appreciated!
Entry #19 - I like it! Could you change the color scheme a little? I'd like to see one with "The Turning Pointe" all in one color and then "Dance and Fitness" in another color. Could you try it both ways? One with the "Dance and Fitness" in purple, and "The Turning Pointe" in Teal, and then another one where the colors are flipped? I'd like to see it with just two colors.
I think I am starting to lean towards something a little less contemporary and a little more sporty. Any ideas? I like the idea of having a body looking like it is in motion as a part of the logo design, with the words surrounding it.