I don't really like the filled in circle surrounding the dancer, and I am trying to stick with just the two colors. Could you try one that has the words "The, Dance and Fitness", along with the dancer in one color, and the words "Turning Pointe" in the other color?
I'd like to see how that looks.
Also, if you could put the dancer in a different pose. Maybe in a split of some kind of jump so the body is not perfectly vertical, I'd like to see that idea as well.
#43 - I also really like this one, but again would like to see the dancer's body in a different pose. This particular picture portrays ballet only and I want the body to have sort of an in motion feel to it, that depicts dance in general not just one genre.
#83 - I like the dancer better but could you try something with the back leg straight as well? I like it better, just not sold on it yet. Any other ideas you might have as far as a better looking position?
I've revised #83 and made the back leg straight. Not sure about a different position yet but I'll try to come up with something. I am a bit limited because I can't use a position the other designers have used so it has to be something different from them. Thanks for all the feedback!
#99 - also, could you submit a version where the dancer and the words "The, Dance and Fitness" and the dancer are in the green color, and the words" Turning Pointe" are in Purple? I'd just like to see a version like that - not sure if I will love it or not
Lastly, could you make the green/blue color a little more green? Almost like a sea foam green (I believe is what I am looking for)
Ok so I've tried a ponytail on #108 si #109 and a bun on #110 . Let me know if the blue is too pale or should i make it stronger, also I've tried two shades of purple in the combination.
#110 - I like this one the best but could you lower the left arm a tiny bit so we can see the back of the head? Also the green color is too light. I want it to really pop like the Purple does.