#16 Could you take out the cream color and use white. Could you also try a couple different fonts that could sharpen the image up a bit.. I love the design. Please try one of the new color combinations too....Royal blue and green or blue and orange.
#60 Could you try a few things for me? 1st can you try and use the same fonr for the words five tool as you did in #16. I would also like to see you use the banner across the five tool like you did in entry #62.
Could you also put crossing bats in #64
And last could you make a black, white and red one just like #60 so that the white is white, the green would be red, and the blue would be Black.
I know this is a lot to ask. Just trying to finalize with you i love your work just need to see al the possibilities. Thank you so mucch for your efforts
#79 is my favroite now because it is simple. Could you leave just the 5 with the ball in the middle and find a creative way to write 5TOOLBASEBALL under the design.
That won't work because you can't repeat the number "5." You should only use the number 5 once in your logo otherwise it's redundant and will loose it's impact. You're repeating it for no apparent reason.
If you like the simplicity, I believe you have it right with #79. It already says BASEBALL because of the Bats, ball and Home Plate ... there is no reason to put the word Baseball in there. It's more about the 5 TOOLS you are teaching and that's conveyed and spelled out in the logo.
I'll think about some other options for you! Warm Regards, Bill (Winger)