Please move the stones down and align the stones in entry 25 and 26 with "green capital". #6 - Would be inrankings if bottom stone were green and the words "Green Capital" were put in green type.
I like your two designs because it is important that there be a recognizable icon as part of the logo. but I don't want the Green Capital part of the name to get lost. I like the icon in 31 and 33 but I also like the way "Green Capital" maintains presence in 11 and 22. I also like the color combination of 11, 22, and 32 best. So I like parts of each, not sure what I'm asking but wanted you to have some feedback on my thoughts. (smile)
The concept of five stones comes from the story of David and Goliath ( David had 5 stones to take down Goliath) very much like the mission of Five Stone Green Capital in the financial and real estate environment. when it comes to green versus non green buildings and investments.
Three revisions showing three alternate fonts for "Green Capital" -- all a bit simpler and bolder than the original, to give the words more weight. Please note that if there is one font you're more fond of, I can show it with any of the designs. (Just a note, my thinking behind the stack of stones was twofold: A) a pathway and B) building upon a strong base.)