Like example 19, can we find a different "5" that is part of the star logo, not lovin the shape of that one. can you show us some other colors, it needs to go on a real estate sign, an all black background may be too dark to read expecially at night. Any other ideas?
That's a bummer on the logos you withdrew:(, is there any way to tweak it to look different? We like entry #40 any way to make the colors pop more, it has to be read from a far on a real estate sign. We love the way "Star" is written, so any other creative ideas you can share, we'd love to see. We're very excited to see what else you can create.
We're really liking entry #60, can you show us that one with some different "5" fonts. we're looing for the "5" to be crisp, sharp looking. Also can we see what it would look like with the stars and realty in black ink? we'll see if we can send you a drawing of what we'd like to see the "5" look like and if you can add a backdrop to the logo. Thank you
entry # 60, we were able to add a picture of the "5" that we like and a picture of backdrop under attached images. We're thinking the backdrop in the color shown, however, solid blue (not with the white speckles in it)...your thoughts. Thank you
Entry # 69, 70 and 71, are our favorites, only one other request, can you separate/space the "5" from the Star like you have it in entry #60. Thank you
Entries 88 and 90, is there a way to make the "5" just a little larger and/or make the top line longer like the "5" we have in our image folder, we really like the looks of the "5" we sent.
Your designs, all of them, are very creative and awesome, at this point its between the top 2 ranked (your #96), we will be getting a few other opinins from some of the other agents in our office for the final one. Any way to make the blue and red a little richer/deeper (like your #150) in color on #96 Thank you
Green, Entry #167, i just ask Ivan Fedorowich of the Tournament contest if it's possible if i can purchase separately from you the "STAR" font and the red and blue curves inside the oval of your design #167 and he emailed me back saying that had to be your choice. We love everything about your design, we just really like the 5 with the actually Star (as in my images dawing or like entry #192, much better visually) . If you're willing to sell us those 2 items, we would be willing to pay you $75.00 for them. Is that something you would be willing to do. Karen
Aa, if we can purchase from Green (we do have an email into he/she) his/her font and the red and blues curves from his/her logo design #167, would you be willing to incoporate them into your design #192. We did consult Ivan from the tounament contest and he told us as long as the designers are willing then we are allowed to use from another designer. Or we would be willing to purchase from you just your 5 with the star logo, which way would you prefer. Karen
apologize in advance, I followed you from the contest early in the contest pretty much from the time I use for this, is it possible if I am asking $ 100 (as you requested are 2 concepts, STAR "font and the red and blue curves)
apologize for this inconvenience, I just think it would be fair
Green, We would be willing to pay you the $100.00, how do we get that to you? Can we pay that to you though the tournament contest? And how do we acquire all the (vector) files, font, design, etc.? Will you send it over to the other designer or do we need to go through the tournament. Also, we will receive all the rights to the 2 designs, correct? Can you send us something in writing that confirms they will belong to us and that the other designer can use them. Karen,
thanks kthomas I will send you to the designer (# 192), and for you (maybe you can send your email via private message) so he can use it as you want, so if it is used in the design and you chose her as the winner of course I can not use more
if you want a written agreement may be better of you who made it, sorry for my very bad english
how do we send our email by via private message? how do i send you a written agreement is that by private message as well. Are you allowed to forward me your email so if can send the agreement? Karen