Like this design. Any chance of pushing the "3D" nature of the red Apply circle? Also, maybe some shadowing? Would also like to see what the outer 4 pieces might look like in other colors? I know we asked for red, black, grey, BUT we are open to there creative applications of this... NICE work!
We like your work! What's missing is the words "The 5 Moments of Need". That's our fault due to the graphic we posted, but we were wondering if we can build off of "The 5 Moments of Need" where the 5 takes on the shape of a person and appear to be moving or in action? Maybe "APPLY, Change, Solve, New, More" could be a tag line?? We know this is a change in direction, but now that we've seen everyone's work, we feel that we want to go more in this direction. Hopefully this helps!!