I like these ideas but don't LOVE them... You need to put something in here that tells me there is food involved. Also, it's "5 DIAMOND DELICACIES" (NOT DIAMONDS).
in my opinion, about the color, i think a great logo should look great in black/white version. we can do color, shading, effect variaions after we find the perfect icon/logostyle for it. :)
Now that's progress! Please look at my attachment titled "almost there"... you may use the concept where the "D" in Diamond is part of the 5. I like that idea a lot. I really like what you've done with the diamonds... they almost look like a truffle in terms of silhouette, VERY NEAT! Any chance you could elaborate on the diamonds to have them resemble a truffle in terms of TEXTURE as well? I know this might prove to be a difficult task so if it's easier for you to do this on one of the diamonds so I could see if I liked, then the rest if so, I would be ok with that.
unfortunately It wont let me upload the .AI file as it's 18mb and this site only allows 500kb lol... if you have a site I can upload, please provide link and i'll upload immediately
if you want to share the AI file or any reference file that has big size you can use dropbox and then share the download link in the contest page https://www.dropbox.com/
#23 is awesome. Please try to make 5 points on the fork and 5 cerated edges on the blade... "Delicacies" font in #21... for the heck of it, let's see if you could throw in a bottle of truffle oil on one side and a truffle on the other
In each corner, let's find a way to put the following... Truffle Products - Wild Mushrooms - Spices - Caviar... then somewhere on the center - Truffles
Man you're good. Ok, let's see the silverware closest to the plate... Maybe make that bottle the "i" in diamond... Possibly an additional (miniaturized) version of the truffle you put next to the plate as the dot . in the i with a bite taken out? Does that make sense or would you like me to clarify?
#27 Line the plate with the Truffle Products - Wild Mushrooms - Spices - Caviar - Truffles #31 Use the bottle for the i in diamond leave fork and knife as is #24 try to shring down the 5D align the plate and silverware with delicacies (on the right-hand side).
ok for starters, lets remove change "spices" to wild edibles. I like the Truffle texture in #16 on the diamonds for whichever logo I ultimately choose. The truffle that's used as the dot in the "i" in "Diamond" would be cool if it had a bite mark out of it
Ok I'm going to rank my top pick from your recent workings but don't think i dislike any of the others. I like them all and am going to show them all to chefs today to see what they think. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Blake