Where did you come from??? What took you so long!? 2 hours left and now you show me this stuff??? I was wondering if anyone was going to put a sturgeon in here and I guess you answered that question. I'm loving #113... Can you play around a little more with the Diamonds? Leve the texture with them as they are but rather rearrange in different ways so I can better see? THANKS!!!!
Let's do the lower 4 diamonds Black with the top center white. let's try the background on the plaque royal blue, bring in fork and knife on 134 and either shrink them down or expand the other letters so as to be proportionate, bring in the gold fish on #126 and line the plaque with the same gold and I like the italic 5. THANKS!!!
#196 with silver sturgeon, no fading in background on plaque and take out the truffle texture in the diamond. Make the diamonds look like just diamonds :-) AWESOME WORK!
The diamond style in #228 is perfect. The diamond style in #227 is not good. Please use only the diamond style in #228 and let's see what it looks like if you re-arrange the 5 diamonds on the bottom part of the logo. The white and silver sturgeon are probably going to be the winning colors for the diamonds and sturgeon. Thanks! We're almost finished!
ok the gold border on #270 is perfect change the 5 to a non italic one. ( i know i said the italic is better and am sorry for changing my mind but this is what chefs are saying) I like how you put the tails of the fish through the D's but can you try to have them flip OUT instead of IN? Keep "DIAMOND" a uniform SIZE THANKS FOR THE HARD WORK!
ok the gold border on #270 is perfect change the 5 to a non italic one. ( i know i said the italic is better and am sorry for changing my mind but this is what chefs are saying) I like how you put the tails of the fish through the D's but can you try to have them flip OUT instead of IN? Keep "DIAMOND" a uniform SIZE THANKS FOR THE HARD WORK!
ok let's see #278 with only ONE fish. Have it swimming through the 5 and I would like to see it with different angles of the fish... (facing down, straight through and facing up). THANKS Jekson!!! With Taste,
People are telling me it's "too busy"... I was wondering if there was a way you could remove the 5 diamonds and place one bigger one behind the 5. The diamond should be smaller than and behind the 5. Keep it up and you will be the winner! Thanks!!!