hello and thank you again for your kind invitation.Here you go 2 scketches based on your brief where you can ask for any changes or make any suggestions. I think that this layout put's the emphasis in the Story part of the name too besides the couch in a fun way, and also uses a original shape for the bubble speech... If any sounds promising, I'm at your service. Kind regards,
thanks a lot for your work. we like the font of the word and the green couch looks great. maybe some changes with the bubble, can you put other stuff in it, no special signs and some different symbols in the bubble. thanks a lot. and the bubble bit more of the color what is in Story.
Can you make the word StorCouch bit more shining thanks a lot for your work!
Hello and thank you very much for your feedback.Since you don't want symbols there, I'be made the 2 smiley friends in the bubble and added the gloss to the text. I'll be at your service till the end of your contest,
Good morning. Not sure if you're aware that we can't use other designers elements wich aren't in your brief, like the tv layout; I also think that since this is a podcast stream, the podcast symbol is the best to be used since it matches the show description and broadcast way... I've simplified the couch colors and made the double bubble speech with the podcast symbol to match the way it's published in the web. Hope you like it and I'll be at your service as usual for any other input,