Hi AmrinO,
Your design is very impressive and we like it a lot and thus you are in our top 5!
Thank you for your efforts. We hope to work with you the next couple of days to develop/tweak your design.
Here are our thoughts:
What we like about the design.
1.Simplicity, Clean and Fresh
2.The design is timelessness
3.The design also show elegance, thanks to the letter “L”
What we would like to explore a little more:
1. We like to see more colours.
a) One with a background color, that has a gradient (so not a flat background colour)
Please explore warm and feel good/happy tones. This will probably be the look of our business cards
See Entry#62 for the sort of background we are thinking of.
b) Some more concepts with white background (for use on photos as a watermark and our website)
I think we like Entry# 58, 29 and 30 colours so far and I think we prefer how the two words (lyrical and Sky) are two different colors from the same family.
2.Do you have any more ideas on tweaking your design to really stand out without changing it too much? Perhaps changing font of lyrical sky, changing the Big ‘L’, not sure exactly what….but we’ll leave it up to you.
Thank you once again and look forward to hearing from you.