44922Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 44922

44922 has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 113 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.










Logo Designer
Hello and thank you again for your invitation. Here you go some ideas for your consideration where you can make any suggestions. I've done some simple layouts wich show the feature of your product in a clear way, and other 2 more corporate, where the matress/bed is incorporated inspace between the arrows, that also represent the process. Any of them can be easy used in just one color for embroiding or engraving purposes and keep it's recognizeable layout. I'll be at your service till the end of your contest.
If we don't speak sooner, wish you a great weekend,

12 years ago
Hi Claudia,

Thank you very much for the effort. I like to work hand to hand with my mates, I think this is the best way to success. Thus, I´ll try to give feedback to every of your designs as soon as possible.

Talking about your proposals, I really like them. Of course they can be improved, we just need to think how to do it. In order to develop a good design I consider we have to chose one of the 4 options and work with it. I don´t know if you agree with this point so, please, give me your opinion.

I´m going to think about them and I´ll give some feedback to you.

Kind regards!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure! Just let me know your thoughts then. About the product, does it allow different temperature on each side of the bed?

12 years ago
Thanks, Claudia.

No, actually the product works on a different way, a bit more complex:

First of all, it works with water. There´s a control unit, connected to the electric network and a mattress pad with silicone tubes inside connected to the control unit. The control unit regulates the temperature of the water, and then water flows through these tubes, warming or cooling the bed.

I dont know if my explanation is clear enough, I hope so. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to ask me.

About the design, I think you have to focus not only in temperature but in wellness, health and dream too. I want to see a logo and inmediately feel relaxed and willing to go to sleep... I know it´s not easy, but challenging!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks very much for your explanation Daniel-very helpful. Just asked since your prefered layout so far suggested me that.
I'll think durng the weekend to submit under your feedback soon :-)

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi! Just checked cause I'd some time but realized that since the open phase has ended my rank doesn't allow me to submit. Anyway, think that you already have very nice choices.
All the best to your contest and business,

12 years ago
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