43263Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 43263

43263 has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 184 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.



















We like what you've done in number 43, but would like you to try and find something more meanigful to the business as an abstract mark if possible?

As inspiration for you, we help companies to increase their performance in OH&S, Environment and Quality over time.

Thanks and good luck!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for feedback! This design shows pillars that represent buildings, environment, stability, and has architectural look. I have other stuff, too.
12 years ago
Hi Flatworld,

We have added you to our top 5 as we keep coming back to your #43 and looking at your other logos in your profile your style is the type of thing we are after.

#43 is a little too 'corporate' for our planned image. Are you able to try and come up with some other abstract marks for us? We have decided that we definately like having the mark on the left and not above, but possibly something a little more modern.

Please feel free to ask us questions as it might help us to communicate to you better. We are new to this.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, just saw this message. I will make some revisions.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Whatever feedback you have, please feel free. I can change fonts, colors or whatever you think needs changes.
12 years ago
Hi Flatworld,

We are meeting up in a few hours to review and discuss / provide more feedback. There are three of us so its hard to leave comments frequently.

#151 is looking pretty good. Do you think you can make the colouring in the abstract mark a bit more shinny and 3d looking? It might improve it if the colours arent so solid. Some different fonts and colours for the word 'systems' would also be good to see. We will be using the logo on business shirts, fee proposals and business cards so we want to make sure it stands out from our competitors.

You can pretty much ignore the current rankings as we havnt yet decided which one we like best, just that we like these 5.

Thanks for your hard work so far.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for feedback! I can add all kinds of shiny things to the logo, no problem. You also would want a flat version, though, because sometimes you will have to use the logo without shiny things so it needs to look good flat, too. I will do some effects for you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#175 has some dimension added and a bit different letterspace. If you want to see brighter colors I'm happy to make changes. Color changes are easy.
12 years ago
Thats a good point about the flat logo. We will have to keep that in mind as some of the other designs may not work very well flat.

What you have done with 175 looks good with the shading. Thanks for uploading.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
You bet. The shiny versions will work great on the web and probably for a lot of printing, but if you do shirts or other things, you will want to stick to two or three colors at most.
12 years ago
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