I really like #8 but the sun is too large. It is too dominating. I would like to see a few more variations with the sun smaller, and specifically I would like to see the sun applied to #12 as that is currently my favorite but I may like it better if the sun is part of it.
Hi Ray... do you mind trying a version where the sun starts with the letter "p" and ends over the the letter "n"? So the size of the sun would be midway between number 8 and number 14. Thanks.
Ray, your entry #15 is my top choice, but I am concerned about two things... first, the words blend in a little too much with the background behind. Maybe more of a white outline around the words? Second, the buildings are high rise apartment buildings, but most apartments in Florida are just a couple stories tall.. they look more like a tall thin house. Do you have another building you could use?
Your entry #25 is our top choice, but the apartments look a little too oriental. It's an improvement over the highrise apartment you had before, but still needs a little tweaking. Look at the photos of this apartment complex ---- this apartment is the standard shape of apartments in Orlando:
Thanks for the link Pete, i was not 100% sure of the types of apartments - google offered loads of types :) - i will look at it now, and will upload again once i have made a few alterations :)